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What (do) we know about people in the workplace?
Brigitte Kroon
Evidence based HRM: What (do) we know about people in workplaces? is an authoritative, practical text on using scientific and local evidence for doing Human Resource Management. It explains how making informed decisions about people in workplaces will benefit organizational performance, assure fit with the organizational context, as well as benefit employee wellbeing. The book provides a quick reference to the core theories and the key research evidence that inform present day HRM knowledge.
Students like the book, because it:
- Supports them in ‘doing HRM’ in a thorough but hands-on manner. The text provides a workflow for the diagnosis of HRM issues in organizations. Many MBA-, HRM-, employment relations- and management students at (advanced) undergraduate and Master’s level used the book to advise organizations about a diverse range of personnel related issues
- Raises awareness about stakeholder interests (employees, finance, customers, management, industry) in HRM issues
- Provides them with an overview of relevant HRM theories and a quick reference to the research evidence for these theories. The book learns them to evaluate the research evidence for HRM interventions.
- Provides practical cases and study questions to help understand and apply evidence based HRM
- Learns them to reflect critically on the nature of personnel problems and on information needed before jumping to a solution.
- It shows them that with some effort, the gap between science and practice can be bridged.
There is a new book from Brigitte Kroon available at:
You can get 20% reduction from the books. You can take a voucher in the Wolf website and you can put in: KROON2021 and you get reduction.

A Key To Comparative Labour Law In Europe; Antoine T.J.M. Jacobs
Layout Design by: Wolf Publishers, Claudia Tofan & KaftWerk/Janine Hendriks
The aim of this coursebook is to present a satellite view on labour law in Europe, notably of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom.
In the United States the most important labour laws have an all USAcharacter. New York, California, Florida etc. have their own labour laws. However, the basic labour and social security law is overwhelmingly uniform from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. Things are different in Europe. Presumably at least 80% of labour law in Europe is determined by the various States. As a consequence there are still numerous differences between the labour laws of the various countries in Europe. And it is bound to stay so for several more decades, as the EU does not have the ambition to bring about full scale harmonization of labour law in its Member States.
However I believe that – even if harmonization of labour law is not the deliberate objective of the EU – the legal systems of the European countries are in fact getting closer to each other. The countries are looking beyond their national fences and they are often voluntarily adapting their systems to those of their neighboring countries. It is therefore tempting and challenging to study the labour law of the countries in Europe from a comparative perspective.
It is the fruit of lectures that Prof. Antoine Jacobs has given (2012-2019) as visiting professor at the State University of Milano.

First Introductions to Philosophy; (An open educational and open-ended handbook)
Maureen Sie & Bart Engelen (eds.)
DOI: 10.26116/secondthoughts-sie-engelen-openpresstiu-2021-1
teractive PDF)
Philosophy, in a sense, is about having second thoughts. When we have second thoughts, we allow room for doubt about things we thought we knew. As Socrates and Descartes already stressed, doubt can be considered the eminently philosophical method. When we do philosophy, we doubt and wonder about what amazes and surprises us, and we are led by our curiosity to see where our thinking may lead us. When we listen to scientists, journalists, politicians and, granted, also some philosophers, they all too often seem to be very sure of themselves, having all figured out how the world works, how we should act and what the truth is. This handbook, in contrast, aims to stimulate you to find out for yourself whether they are right! It all starts with having an open mind and being willing to question the preconceptions of yourself and others.
This handbook is the paper version of a born-digital open educational resource for whomever is interested in philosophical thinking. Each of the chapters is open in the sense of freely available and accessible to everyone. You may be a student who wants to obtain some background on a specific philosophical sub-discipline. You may be a teacher who wants to assign introductory reading for students. You may be a layperson interested in reading an overview of philosophical thinking, written in a clear and accessible way.
Maureen Sie & Bart Engelen (eds.)
Published by: Open Press TiU
Philosophy, in a sense, is about having second thoughts. When we have second thoughts, we allow room for doubt about things we thought we knew. As Socrates and Descartes already stressed, doubt can be considered the eminently philosophical method. When we do philosophy, we doubt and wonder about what amazes and surprises us, and we are led by our curiosity to see where our thinking may lead us. When we listen to scientists, journalists, politicians and, granted, also some philosophers, they all too often seem to be very sure of themselves, having all figured out how the world works, how we should act and what the truth is. This handbook, in contrast, aims to stimulate you to find out for yourself whether they are right! It all starts with having an open mind and being willing to question the preconceptions of yourself and others.
This handbook is the paper version of a born-digital open educational resource for whomever is interested in philosophical thinking. Each of the chapters is open in the sense of freely available and accessible to everyone. You may be a student who wants to obtain some background on a specific philosophical sub-discipline. You may be a teacher who wants to assign introductory reading for students. You may be a layperson interested in reading an overview of philosophical thinking, written in a clear and accessible way.
Maureen Sie & Bart Engelen (eds.)
Published by: Open Press TiU
Philosophy, in a sense, is about having second thoughts. When we have second thoughts, we allow room for doubt about things we thought we knew. As Socrates and Descartes already stressed, doubt can be considered the eminently philosophical method. When we do philosophy, we doubt and wonder about what amazes and surprises us, and we are led by our curiosity to see where our thinking may lead us. When we listen to scientists, journalists, politicians and, granted, also some philosophers, they all too often seem to be very sure of themselves, having all figured out how the world works, how we should act and what the truth is. This handbook, in contrast, aims to stimulate you to find out for yourself whether they are right! It all starts with having an open mind and being willing to question the preconceptions of yourself and others.
This handbook is the paper version of a born-digital open educational resource for whomever is interested in philosophical thinking. Each of the chapters is open in the sense of freely available and accessible to everyone. You may be a student who wants to obtain some background on a specific philosophical sub-discipline. You may be a teacher who wants to assign introductory reading for students. You may be a layperson interested in reading an overview of philosophical thinking, written in a clear and accessible way.

Exploring an Educational Vision for Tilburg University

Authors: Herman de Regt, Alkeline van Lenning
Published: 2021
Universities are accountable to the democratic society they are part of, and more particularly to the students studying there. What is it that we train our students for and why?
Concept and design: Communicatie team, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Photographs: Patrick Post / HH (p. 26); Matt Writtle / HH (p. 38)
Innovation in higher education: needed and feasible

Authors: Philip Joos, Lex Meijdam
Published: 2021
Europe’s first university was established in Bologna in 1088. Its curriculum was rather narrow, largely devoted to the study of law. Since that time, universities have developed in an attempt to keep pace with our changing society. How have today’s knowledge institutes responded to the increasing pace of technological progress? How do they rise to new societal challenges? Why are they pursuing innovation in education – and how are they doing so?
Concept and design: Communicatie team, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Photographs: ANP Photo (p. 10); Beeldveld/Wilfried Scholtes (p. 21)
Success and Failure in Higher Education: Building Resilience in Students

Authors: Tessa Leesen & Alkeline van Lenning (eds.)
Published: 2021
This book is one of the outcomes of the Resilience Project, which was designed and implemented at University College Tilburg in 2019. The project has been funded by the NWO Comenius Senior Grant and would not have been possible without the support of University College Tilburg’s Dean Alkeline van Lenning and the dedicated contributions of the project members, who invested their expertise, time, and commitment to the project: Tessa Leesen, Ellen Dreezens, David Janssens, Petra Heck, Gerwin van der Laan, Michiel Bot, Krijn Pansters, Thomas Muntz, Rik Peters, Annelies Aquarius, Geno Spoormans, Anna Shekiladze, Annelieke Koster, Lies Siemons, Iris Tak, and, most importantly, the student body of University College Tilburg. The editors of this book wish to thank all authors for their contribution to this special edition of the Tilburg Series in Academic Education and for their willingness to engage in and contribute to a discussion on success, failure, and resilience in higher education. Finally, the editors thank Carly Willis for her valuable contribution to the English language editing of the book.
Concept and design: Studio | powered by Canon
Author: Prof. dr. Antoine T.J.M. Jacobs
Published: 2021
29-2 (Interactive PDF)
Unfortunately, labour law is very seldom on the bookshelves of the workers in Europe. It certainly is on the desks of trade union officials, of HRM staff of the enterprises and of lawyers and judges, but that is French, German, Polish, etc. labour law.
European Labour Law is hardly known even among labour law experts. That is of no great matter as much of the labour law of Europe is, like a sponge absorbs the water, implemented in domestic law. Sometimes, however, one needs to trace the European origins of domestic laws, for example when there are doubts whether domestic law is fully in accordance with European law.
This book has the ambition to put the reader wise about the European origins on Labour Law.
It is the fruit of lectures that Prof. Antoine Jacobs has given (2012-2019) as visiting professor at the State University of Milano.
Here you can order the printed version of the book (in black and white).
Author: Prof. dr. Antoine T.J.M. Jacobs
28-5 (Paperback)
Published by: Open Press TiU
Contact details:

REDELIJK AANDEEL; Effectieve fiscus in zeven studies
Joseph Evers
(Interactive PDF)
Uitgave: 24 december 2020
Wolf (Legal) Publishers zal dit boek vorm uitgeven:
Uitgave: 26 januari 2020
De uitdagingen kennen we: opwarming, milieu, schaarste en migratie. Het herstel uit de covid-crisis komt er bij. De fiscus als dragende financiële constructie van onze rechtstaat moet die ontwikkelingen kunnen dragen en het huis steunen waar ieder zich thuis voelt; een huis dat toekomst heeft.
Maar is de fiscus daartoe uitgerust? Redelijk Aandeel doet verslag van een onderzoek om die fiscus in beeld te krijgen en komt met concrete, realistische voorstellen. Het is geschreven voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor de maatschappelijke actualiteit.
1. Miljoenennota, politiek en toeschouwer
2. Over de kwaliteit van fiscale regels
3. Vermogensaanwas wél belasten
4. Inkomstenbelasting en toeslagen all-in
5. Inkomenszekerheid zélf regelen
6. Deelnemend sparen bij ‘s Rijks schatkist
7. Bedrijfswinst vermogensneutraal belast
8. De boodschap
Joseph J. M. Evers. Hij studeerde aan de TU-Delft, promoveerde vanuit de KU-Brabant en was gastonderzoeker aan Yale University. Hij werkte als hoogleraar op het gebied van de Operations Research en Logistiek aan de Universiteit Twente en later aan de TU-Delft. Hij was wetenschappelijk
directeur van onderzoekschool TRAIL. Zijn ambitie is nu om vanuit deze achtergrond bij te dragen aan het publieke domein.

A Brief Description of the Labour Law of The United States of America for the Purpose of Comparative Labour Law
Antoine Jacobs
(interactive pdf)
-615-5 (paperback version)
DOI: 10.26116/OpenPressTiU-Jacobs-02-2020
Published: September 2020
Why is American labour law so different from the law in other states? And can we expect in the nearby future changes in the present state of American Labour Law? This textbook tries to find the answer by exploring the background of labour law, the size, geographical situation, population, culture and economic data of the USA.
Here you can order the printed version of the book (in black and white).
Published: September 2020

Modeling, Pricing and Hedging
J.M. Schumacher
(interactive pdf)
-612-4 (paperback version)
DOI: 10.26116/OpenPressTiU-Schumacher-04-2020
Financial derivatives are widely used as instruments to modify exposures to various types of financial risk. Examples include call options on a stock index, interest rate derivatives such as swaptions, and credit derivatives. The theory of financial derivatives, as it has been developed in recent decades, is based on a mix of economic ideas and concepts from mathematics.
The material in this Open Press textbook originates from notes for a course that the author has taught at Tilburg University for more than ten years, as part of the MSc program in Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science. The text aims to provide students with an introduction to continuous-time models that are used to analyze derivative contracts in finance and insurance. Users are expected to have a solid background in standard calculus, linear algebra, and probability; prior experience with stochastic calculus, however, is not a prerequisite.
(paperback version)
Published: September 2020

An accessible ‘toolbox’ for interested citizen science communities and policy-makers wishing to integrate citizen-sensed data into risk governance.
Anna Berti Suman
(Interactive PDF)
‘Citizen sensing’, framed as grassroots-driven monitoring initiatives based on sensor technology, is increasingly entering the debate on environmental risk governance. Although through a possible initial conflict, citizen sensing may ultimately have the potential to contribute to institutional risk governance. Building on previous empirical research based on a combination ofmethods, including ethnographical research, descriptive analysis and fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Berti Suman designs an accessible ‘toolbox’ for interested communities, policy-makers and researchers that wish to shape citizen sensing initiatives in a way to contribute to risk governance.
Sensing the Risk
Sensing the Risk
An accessible ‘toolbox’ for interested citizen science communities and policy-makers wishing to integrate citizen-sensed data into risk governance.
Anna Berti Suman